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With Holden in fights with Diego, Willa, and Luke, we are left wondering what else will be thrown his way to stir the pot.


‘Beyond’ 02×07 Stir

With Holden in fights with Diego, Willa, and Luke, we are left wondering what else will be thrown his way to stir the pot.

It has been a rough week off for us Beyond fans. With last episode ending in a battle between Holden and Diego, we are left wondering what in the world is going to happen next? Also, there is a trouble in paradise with this love square that is going on. Which couple or couples are going to come out of this mess? 

Surprisingly we do not end where we left off. Charlie is walking the streets and sees police cars heading the way of probably the bowling alley and we know her spidey senses are tingling. What will the cops be able to do when they show up? They are definitely outmatched. 

Just like that the police show up to the bowling alley and Diego is on top of Holden choking him. The police tell him to back off and shoot a warning bullet into the air. Diego listens. Good thing they didn't try to shoot him. That wouldn't have gone well. 

Willa and Luke are at the diner. Willa is trying to put the pieces together between Charlie and Arthur. She is wondering about Arthur and the break-in. Luke tries to take her mind off it by switching the subject to Mortal Combat. Willa brings it back to another level and thanks Luke and reaches for his hand. Luke then says they need to stop seeing each other because it isn't right. Luke admits to liking Willa and Willa does not know how to react. Shout out to Luke for not wanting to get in his brother's way, but Willa does not leave happy and is frustrated at the situation. 

Holden is being questioned at the police office and is claiming that he does not know Diego. The cop is trying to probe harder, but Holden won't let up. Before leaving, Holden asks if he could talk to Diego in order to get more information out of him. The police officer actually lets him. We have a feeling this is not going to go well, all crazy abilities involved. 

Diego says that Holden has freed all of them and that they have come to break the world. Holden asks if he is alone and he says they are everywhere. Well, Holden has his job cut out for himself. Diego shows him what the world is going to be like and that there is no stopping it. Holden is ripped away from Diego just in time. But then again, maybe too late. 

Who is waiting outside after Holden is released, but Charlie. Holden tells Charlie that everything he has been feeling is real. Charlie wants him to run away with her and that running away will help. But Jeff is calling and Charlie doesn't want him to answer. Holden lets Charlie have a taste of her own medicine and says that she is only capable of running from her problems, not fixing them. 

Holden and Jeff decide to go after Edgar Abbott. Jeff is at his brother's house helping Christine pack. She says that Helping Hands invited her on a retreat at a ranch where they do group therapy. They also invited the baby and Jeff. Could this be where the cryo lab is? Are they looking for more people to trick into the realm? 

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Tom and Diane are discussing what happened at Ian's office. Tom wants to go to the sheriff's office and Diane lets him. 

Back at the cryo lab, Yellow Jacket has leveled up and has a new suit. His focus seems to be on Issac and less on everything else going on. He is also told about what happened in Fort Reed and says he is going to handle it himself. Will the Yellow Jacket make another appearance? 

Yes! There it is! Yellow Jacket is back in Fort Reed. He isn't at the bowling alley, he is at the church. He claims he is there to help Ian, but we don't think this is possible. He wants to know how Tom found out about the cameras. He says he didn't have a copy of the feeds, but we know he did. Yellow Jacket is now making it known that he can make Ian disappear. Yellow Jacket tells him that they will be in touch. 

Diane is now searching her house for all of the cameras. Luke finds her and is wondering what she is doing. She decides to come clean to Luke about the FBI and everything else. Luke does not take this lightly and is angry that no one is watching what Holden has been doing and does not know why people want to protect his feelings. We get it, Luke. 

Holden and Jeff are at Edgar's. Apparently, this is location is also connected to Hollow Sky. The women in charge of Edgar's care has taken it upon herself to find Arthur's research, that could be problematic if she works for Hollow Sky. 

Jeff and Holden try to talk to Edgar but he is unresponsive. Holden lets on that it is actually himself Holden Matthews and all Edgar says is "They are here, aren't they?" 

Charlie is at the police station and she hears someone saying her name slowly and creepily. She decides to follow the voice, and we should know who it is by now? Diego. 

Diego talks to Charlie and tells her that she is better off without her sister. He shows her the same future that he showed Holden. Charlie is now officially horrified. 

Edgar then says that Hollow Sky has been asking him the location of the freezer. Only Edgar knew that Holden would find it one day because he saw it in his dream. Edgar says the freezer is the only thing that can take everyone to the realm to survive what Holden has released. Edgar tells them that they need to use the freezer to block more of Diego's kind from coming in. Holden wants to know how to kill it, but the only answer Edgar gives is to follow his dreams. Holden doesn't want to leave Edgar behind and says that he will come back for him.

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After leaving the police station in a hurry, Charlie tries to get a hold of her sister, but upon entering her motel room, Willa is sitting on her bed with her gun and wants to know everything. Willa wants to know how Charlie knows Arthur and everything else. Charlie then begins to tell her story. Charlie said that she entered the realm after a suicide attempt and Arthur accepted her. She says that when Arthur realized that she couldn't give him what she wanted, she woke up from her coma and she got angry that Arthur never came to her aid. She blames him for the life that she had. 

Charlie lets the information about Diego going after Holden slide out, but Willa doesn't know. So Charlie sits her down and starts to tell her all about it. 

Tom goes to the police department to talk to the sheriff about Pastor Ian, only the police officer lets out information about Holden and Diego. Pastor Ian's secretary was already there and then confirmed that Tom was the person that hit Pastor Ian. Tom is then taken into custody. There is another man at the police station, a member of Hollow Sky making a false complaint, we think to orchestrate how things went with Pastor Ian. 

This same man shows up at Yellow Jacket's daughter's concert to give him all the information, including the fact that he thinks Holden's parents are taking to the police. 

An upset Luke is now snooping through his mom's pocketbook and finds the name of the FBI agent they are talking to. Ian then brings up the feed in the Matthews' house. Wouldn't you think he would have made that disappear after Yellow Jacket's meeting? Tom Matthews is being fingerprinted at the police station. Then Charlie shows up to where Holden and Jeff are. 

In his jail cell, Diego makes a dramatic eye open, but we then see the cryo lab. Diego decides to wake all of the frozen up and maybe they didn't wake up the same people they went to sleep as. 

Only three episodes left and the only clues we have for a happy ending are for Holden to follow his dreams and to use the magical freezer. Not much to work with, but we are hopeful things will work out. Catch the next episode of below next Thursday at 8:00 p.m EST on Freeform. 

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