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Buffering Series Welcomes 3 Familiar Faces For Final Episodes!


Sarah Goddard
Staff Writer
Buffering fans rejoice!

After hours of teasing their fans and releasing cryptic clues via Twitter, Buffering the Series has released the name of a third person to their ever-growing list of special guest stars for their upcoming 5th episode. That person is non-other than former Glee Warbler and member of pop-rock band R5,

Riker Lynch

Riker joins fellow Warbler alum, Titus Makin Jr and Broadway actress, Tessa Netting, in making sure that the next episode of Buffering will be nothing short of epic.


Buffering tells the story of down and out actor Ben Little (Curt Mega); a guy who was once kind of famous and on a TV show, to a broke, depressed, eating cereal on the couch dressed in a bathrobe guy, who lives with his best friend Alex (Eric Carroll) a self obsessed narcissist and star of the hit cop show, Latter Day Saints. To prove he is still worthy, Ben does what every down-and-out actor does, he creates his own web series, and enlists the help of his friends Darren (Chase Edmondson) the health conscious nymphomaniac and Tim (Matt H Zimmerman) a broke artist who has an affinity for the creation of bead art. Joining the story along the way are Alex’s ex-girlfriend Cindy (Stephanie Stuart), who may or may not be a bipolar pyromaniac and Kristen (Malgosia Tolak) Alex’s co-star and the girl Ben has his heart set on making his own. 
Buffering is a hilarious ride of just what can and inevitably will go wrong when you have an idea, passion, no money and a group of friends who just think they’re helping out. At it’s essence, Buffering is a web series about a guy making a web series, and it’s pure comedic genius. 
Buffering is currently using the crowd funding website Indiegogo to help them raise the money needed to put episode 5 & 6 into production. Their campaign has entered the final 64 hours! 

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