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We tried out HorrorPack, a Netflix-like subscription service in which you get scary movies delivered to your home. Read on to find out our thoughts.


Check Out HorrorPack, It’s Netflix For Scary Movie Lovers

We tried out HorrorPack, a Netflix-like subscription service in which you get scary movies delivered to your home. Read on to find out our thoughts.

There is a company called HorrorPack, which is a Netflix-like organization that caters to those who love to be scared. Here’s how it works: you pick your plan and then the team picks movies and sends them to you. HorrorPack wanted us to take a peek at how it works so they sent us some movies to check out.

First of all, we have to admit that we’re kind of what you might call scaredy cats, but we’re always open to try out new things. So, when the HorrorPack team reached out, we said yes but there were already goosebumps on our arms. They showed us the process and we signed up, which was really easy. Then, a few days later, a box arrived with four blu-rays that were all horror films. Our box came with a few zombie films, the Hostel two-pack and the most scary movie we’d seen recently, The Woman in Black. We’re gonna focus on the last one for the rest of this story. That movie features Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) as a young lawyer who moves to a small town where the locals are haunted by a scary ghost. Much like The Grudge, the spirit in this film is vengeance-filled and on a warpath that made us want to sleep with the lights on.

HorrorPack’s service is really cool, though, especially if you love horror films. The plans range from $22 to $24 dollars a month, which include shipping, and you get the surprise of not knowing which films are chosen for you, and then of course the terror that comes with watching them. Take a peek at their FAQ page if you have any questions.

If you enjoy scary movies and the element of surprise, then this is for you. Plus, one of those blu-rays alone would cost the same as the monthly subscription so there is nothing to lose!

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