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Does Thor: The Dark World Live Up To Expectations?


Erika Rivera & Melissa LoParco

Senior Editor & Managing Editor

Back in 2011, the world got its first glimpse of Thor, and it has never been the same since the demi-god from Asgard won over our fanboy/fangirl hearts. We got to see a bit more of Thor in The Avengers, which left fans wondering where Marvel could go from there and what was left for our Asgardian prince to do.

Thor: The Dark World aims to answer that, being one of the three films to follow the events that transpired in The Avengers. Just like its predecessor, Thor: The Dark World explores the tumultuous relationship between Thor and his antagonistic brother Loki, and the budding romance between Thor and Jane, only everything gets far more intense in this sequel.

We start this particular journey as we did in the last Thor, with the wonderful Anthony Hopkins as Odin, narrating a piece of Asgardian history, which sets the film’s events in motion. Loki, played by the classically trained Tom Hiddleston once more, is still very much a villain but not the viable threat in this sequel. He takes the backseat as the film dives right into the heart of the story.

The film brings Thor back to his heart – reuniting him with Jane Foster as he tries to save her from the Dark Elves’ aether that courses through her veins. Complications arise that lead Thor to do the unthinkable: ask his brother – the God of Mischief – for help.

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Like with many prior Marvel films there is one thing a trip to Thor: The Dark World is sure to bring you, and that is fun. While it is safe to say that not everything in the film is sunshine and rainbow bridges, you sat in that theatre with a smile on your face in more scenes than one.

In The Dark World we are once again delighted by the presence of Kat Dennings as Darcy Lewis (Jane’s intern) and Stellan Skarsgard reprising his role as Erik Selvig. The two characters acted as comic relief throughout the whole film and had everyone in the theatre laughing in their seats.

While Dennings and Skarsgard each had their own moments to stand out, it can be unquestionably said that Tom Hiddleston’s Loki owned the movie from the moment his presence was made. As far as the three leads are concerned, Hiddleston’s performance stood out as the one to see.

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As the fallen Asgardian prince, Hiddleston delivers a performance that can be used to teach a master class in Villainy. The British actor, who goes for his three-peat go as the God of Mischief, has perfected the art of combining sass and complexity that has earned Loki a place in the villain Hall of Fame as a fan favorite. Loki’s scenes in the sequel brought the humor and light into the film after some seriously downer points.

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But that isn’t to say Loki only thrived on the lighter side of things. This movie truly showcased the utter complexity of Hiddleston’s portrayal of the mischievous God. Two moments in the film stand out, and without giving spoilers, we can tell you that your heart breaks for this broken, twisted character. We see a much different side to Loki than we have seen in the previous two films, as well as seeing him take on the archetype of the anti-hero.

Rene Russo, Zachary Levi and Idris Elba all deserve honorable mentions for their turns as Frigga, Fandral and Heimdall, all who got expanded roles in this film. Russo’s Frigga, in particular, had her own scene stealing moment which gave way to the start of the film’s more emotional side.

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As for the film’s antagonist, Christopher Eccleston’s Malekith was no Loki from the first film to say the least but did challenge Thor in ways that Loki hadn’t quite yet. Eccleston’s performance was the polar opposite of what his fans from Doctor Who are used to seeing as there was no charm but pure menacing evil radiating in his delivery.

From antagonist to protagonist, Chris Hemsworth reprises his role as Thor and, once again, he knocks it out of the park. Marvel is notoriously good with their casting, and Hemsworth isn’t an exception.

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Not only did Thor kick some serious you-know-what with Mjolnir in hand, but he also pulled out some great quips and one liners at the perfect times. As far as character development with Thor goes, not much changes until the very end of the film where he changes his fate.

And of course, there is no Thor without Jane Foster played by the lovely Natalie Portman. Once again, Jane’s curious mind lands her in a bit (a lot) of trouble, but is lucky that Thor – unbeknownst to herself – is always watching for trouble. Portman’s performance pretty much stays true to her original take in the first Thor as Jane doesn’t really have much character development this film.

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Without a doubt, Thor: The Dark World is a definite must see for Marvel fans. The sequel stays true to the tone set by the first film and capitalizes on the fun filled action which was very successful in The Avengers. Add this one to your Marvel movie adventures, and trust us when we say, you’ll walk out of the theaters wanting more.

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