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Dominic Barnes Shares His Dreams For Broadway, His Start On “Glee,” And Love For Michael Buble In Exclusive Interview


Kate McHale

Senior Staff Writer


I recently got the amazing opportunity to talk with three incredibly talented guys. All of whom are reunited once again to be a part of an astounding performance called Sing Me Home. Some of you may already be familiar with the musical, but if you aren’t you might want to go ahead and refresh your memory here. It’s definitely worth your time! If you haven’t already guessed, the three talented gentlemen are Telly Leung, Dominic Barnes, and Curt Mega. Some of you may be familiar with the trio due to their stint on the hit TV show Glee as a part of the powerful choir group, the Warblers, or their other fabulous endeavors on Broadway and other television programs.

The second amazingly talented person I got the chance to talk to was Dominic Barnes, who is going to be participating in the Los Angeles performance of Sing Me Home. When I asked him what made him get into performing, he immediately conjured up a memory with his mom and grandma. When he was 8 years old, he saw a performance of Show Boat, and was absolutely mesmerized. From the moving boat to the performers on stage, he knew right then and there he “had been bitten by the bug.” From that point on he knew he wanted to be in the business. It didn’t hurt that his high school director told Dominic that out of all the people in his program he had the face for TV and film. That was a definite confidence booster, and helped Dominic realize he had the ability to make a career out of something he loved to do. Knowing “he was from such a small percentage of people who made it into the business is such a surreal feeling.”

I asked Dominic to tell me what project that he was a part of he is the proudest of, and he said without a doubt Glee. Although, he was quick to add he knows that sounds corny. When Dominic started on Glee, it was as an extra on the last nine episodes of Season 1, and only at the suggestion of his friend. As he was on the set, completely loving his time on Glee, his friend realized that Ryan Murphy was always intently looking at Dominic. His friend even made the comment, “Gosh Dom, did you do something wrong?” Of course, he asked this in a joking manor. What Dominic didn’t know is, Ryan was only seeing how much potential he had to give. Just when he was about to resign as an extra he got “the call” telling him that they wanted him to be a part of this new group called the Warblers, and the rest is most definitely history. Dominic explained how Ryan Murphy has such a great talent: “He (Ryan) takes note of people and takes advantage of getting their full potential.”

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Trent the Warbler was a role especially made for Dominic. When I asked him how he dealt with all of the Glee fame, he answered with a chuckle, “It’s all quite a blur I’m really not sure I have dealt with it.” What he’s so proud of the show is, “the fact that you may be the underdog, but the show teaches you to keep on going no matter what you’re dealing with.”

Before I could even get my next question out, he had read my mind, and said he always, absolutely, wanted to be on Broadway! Broadway is definitely something he would love to be involved with. Though, he does love working in TV as well.

Of course, much like anyone else who is involved with the show Sing Me Home, the immediate mention of it makes anyone (including Dominic) bubble up with excitement. He got involved with the project through none other than his friend Amber Cassel, who just so happened to produce the cabaret shows he performs with Curt Mega. Much like Telly Leung, the decision to be a part of Sing Me Home was an absolute no brainer. When I asked him what excites him the most about the performance, he said it would have to be a song written by Kristy Hanson. The song really touches Dominic, and he knows that the song will be very well received, and “he loves giving something that he knows will be so well received and loved.” What song is it, you may be wondering? Well, you will just have to go see Sing Me Home to find out!

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The biggest message that people who see the show should take home is, “Hold on to who you are. Don’t let what other people say about you affect you. Keep on going even if you’ve hit rock bottom.” This is such a powerful message to give, seeing as how so many people are constantly dealing with hard times, and they aren’t quite sure know how to get back up and move on. I mean, I’m sure by now you are absolutely sold on seeing the show! If you aren’t, you and anyone who is remotely near New York or Los Angeles should drop everything and go see the very next Sing Me Home performance. The performance Dominic is involved with is July 13th 7pm at Rockwell Table & Stage in Los Angeles.

It is crystal clear why everyone is so excited for people to see what they have put so much hard work into; Sing Me Home is bound to leave everyone in absolute awe. If you want to help out the Sing Me Home casts, you can donate to the project at

Do you need more convincing to go see this? Well, do it because Dominic says so! Case closed, and if you were wondering (because I know you were): the song that always puts him into a good mood is “Everything” by Michael Buble. Just the mention of the song made him smile!

So, what plans do you have July 13th, or July 20th-21st if you’re in the NYC area? Trick question! You are obviosuly heading to a Sing Me Home performance! Don’t forget to follow @SingMeHomeShow on twitter if you haven’t already, along with the fabulous @DominicMBarnes!

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