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Paul Walker's Fast & Furious co-stars took to their social media accounts to remember their friend on the one year anniversary of his death.


“Fast & Furious” Co-Stars Remember Paul Walker On The Anniversary Of His Death

Paul Walker’s Fast & Furious co-stars took to their social media accounts to remember their friend on the one year anniversary of his death.

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It’s been one year exactly today that the world was rocked with the sudden, tragic death of actor Paul Walker. Today, his The Fast & The Furious co-stars took to their social media to remember him.

Vin Diesel posted a photo of Paul with his daughter and captioned it:


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“He was a part of so much in my life… long personal talks with my mother or babysitting the Alpha Angel… he took a certain pride in being uncle Pablo… after all, we were filming a scene in FF4 the day she was born, and he being the only one I told, encouraged me to go in and cut the umbilical cord.”

“He was an important part of my transition into fatherhood… that healthy family member, with the most positive outlook on life…A year ago today… a year of mourning… and his absence still leaves me speechless. We miss you Pablo…”

Paul’s other co-star Tyrese wrote:

“A celebration of Paul William Walker will be echoed around the world…. In this life one would hope to be this “effective” 1 year ago today God called an angel home early…. I miss my brother I miss my friend and I miss OUR STAR!!!!! Physically gone but forever alive in our minds, hearts and spirit…. What was once tears of pain and shock are now tears of JOY celebrating all that you stood for….. Everyone worldwide please take 5 mins out of your day to send live, prayers and energy to Paul’s family his daughter Meadow and immediate circle today will be a tough day for us…. To this day his arm is still around my neck with love and protection….. Rest in heaven….”

RIP Paul.

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