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Gov. Jan Brewer Vetos Arizona’s Anti-LGBT Bill


Kate McHale

Staff Writer


In breaking news, the Governor of Arizona Jan Brewer just announced that she has vetoed the bill that would grant businesses the ability to deny service to gay and lesbian customers due to religious beliefs.

Senate Bill 1062 has rightfully sparked much outrage from not only the gay/lesbian community but also many Arizonians. In the press conference, Gov. Brewer spoke about how the bill would create problems if it passed.

“I believe Senate Bill 1062 creates more problems than it purports to resolve. Let’s turn 1062 into a renewed search for greater respect and understanding among all Arizonans.”

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The GOP has taken a stand against the gay community, including Kansas and many other states that are discriminating against those who are part of the LGBT community. However, due to much public outrage, many of the bills and proposals have been rejected.

While not all Republicans feel this way, former Presidential nominee and Arizona Senator, John McCain, urged Gov. Brewer to veto the bill, naming worries about economic impacts. Another Republican in Arizona’s House of Representatives, Heather Carter, also voted to veto the bill, explaining she, “knew this would be an important vote.”

There are obviously supporters on both sides of this bill; Rocco’s Little Chicago Pizzeria in Tucson placed this sign in their window after the bill initially passed: “We reserve the right to refuse service to Arizona legislators.” The veto of this bill is a huge step in the right direction. This allows everyone, as of now, the ability to shop wherever they want without the fear and embarrassment of being refused service. Way to  Governor Jan Brewer!

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