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This week on Grey's Anatomy we see an old face, get Jo's answer for Alex, and see Amelia face one of her greatest surgeries yet.


Grey’s Anatomy: 12×12, My Next Life

This week on Grey’s Anatomy we see an old face, get Jo’s answer for Alex, and see Amelia face one of her greatest surgeries yet.

Hello!  Has it been a week already since the Jackson and April break-up? Oh, and April’s big realization!!!!  Oh, Grey’s Anatomy… you still have me sad and confused about that. But, it’s a new week and a new opportunity for heartbreak, right?  After all, that’s what Shonda does, isn’t it?

Enough bitterness…tonight’s Grey’s Anatomy episode is “My Next Life,” and Meredith’s first ever patient is back in the hospital. What happens? Read on:


Amelia and Owen are hooking up, and she is in an amazing mood. Edwards, however, is not in an amazing mood and says she is bored with her job, so Amelia offers to let her cut the next aneurysm they get.

The next patient is Katie, who was Mer and Derek’s first patient, and she gets confused when Amelia shows up when she asks for Dr. Shepherd. She is also shocked that they still let Mer “be a doctor here.”

Katie’s symptoms are different than the first time she was in the hospital, so Amelia believes it is something new. She’s right; it’s an aneurysm, a terrible one. She doesn’t know how to fix it. It is extremely fragile and could burst at any time. She tells Katie it is very risky, and she will do her best to fix it. If they do not try, it will kill her.

Amelia calls Owen up for a consult, but ends up telling him that it was wrong of her to come over last night. She is freaking out about the prospect of Katie’s surgery, and Owen tells her that she wouldn’t feel this way if it wasn’t Derek’s old patient.

It’s time for surgery and the team goes in. She makes it through the surgery, and apologizes to Mer for being a bitch to her.

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Mer and Penny have a cancer patient named Daphne that they are working on, and she is cancer free. However, her port seems red and irritated so Mer wants to look at it. It’s infected, so they need to lance it. Mer does, and blood comes pouring out. Riggs comes to check it out, and says that they can go to the OR, or they can apply pressure. The wound is septic, and if the pressure doesn’t work, they must operate.

Mer asks if she wants to call her son, and she says no, and Mer accepts that. Later, though, she gets very hot, and Riggs suggests that she call him, and Mer agrees. (This must not be good) He agrees to come see her, and Mer lifts the pressure. It is still bleeding badly, so they rush her to surgery with Mer essentially placing her entire body weight on the wound. The blood is coming very quickly though, and they cannot save her.

After, she asks Riggs about Owen’s sister. He says she was in a helicopter. He was going to go, because it was dangerous, but they fought and he couldn’t tell her no. She went up into the copter, and it disappeared, never to be seen again.


He’s on to DeLuca and Maggie, and he’s not happy.  The couple knows and have decided to cool things down for a bit. He is also still hanging out with Arizona, and casually asks her about the girl she left the bar with the night before… she’s not talking. Richard backs her into a corner, and Arizona finally breaks down and says they had a wonderful evening. She even describes their hookup, something that Richard didn’t necessarily want to hear.

DeLuca is on his service today, but takes a lunch break and ends up having sex with Maggie instead of really having a lunch. Maggie tells DeLuca that Richard is her father, and he is shocked to learn the truth. Maggie runs into Richard later, and they start talking about DeLuca. She plays dumb.

Later, Arizona spills the beans that DeLuca and his girlfriend have a very active sex life, right in front of both DeLuca and Richard.

Richard is also concerned that Arizona has “too many girlfriends,” but she thanks him for helping her remember “her slutty days.”

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Maggie meets Richard later and tells him that she likes DeLuca, that he is a good guy, and that she likes that he is looking out for her.

Alex and Jo

Jo finds the ring Alex got her in the drawer, and she says the drawer is no place for the ring but still hasn’t made up her mind. Later, she tells him to keep it in the drawer. She doesn’t want it now, but she doesn’t want it to leave the drawer.

April and Jackson

Jackson approaches April about an old cell phone bill, and he wants to pay half. She tells him it’s OK, and he walks away. Arizona is also there and urges April to tell Jackson about the pregnancy, but she is not ready.

Alex eventually figures out that April is pregnant and tells her that she has to tell Jackson.

So, do you guys think that April will tell Jackson next week about her pregnancy? As always, I will be back for your Grey’s Anatomy recap!

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