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On this week's Grey Anatomy's, All Eyez On Me, several doctors travel to do a ground breaking surgery, and a team of cheerleaders take over the ER.


Grey’s Anatomy: 12×13, All Eyez On Me

On this week’s Grey Anatomy’s, All Eyez On Me, several doctors travel to do a ground breaking surgery, and a team of cheerleaders take over the ER.

Hey my Grey’s Anatomy fam!  Hope the week treated you well! It’s once again time for another episode! This week, in “All Eyez on Me,” some of the doctors go off to a military hospital for a special surgery while the ones left in Seattle have their work cut out for them. What happened on this week’s Grey’s Anatomy? Keep reading, my friends:

Mer and the Dream Team

Mer, Jackson, Callie, Bailey and Jo are practicing a surgery.  It’s for a military facility outside of Seattle, and the patient has a tumor that the team is training for. The team is planning on amputating the leg, taking tissue from it, and then reattaching it in the center of his body.

The team gets the call that the patient has fallen, and they have to go to him, as the leg is now compromised.

When arriving to the hospital, they meet the head surgeon, Dr. Will Thorpe, who is not pleased with their presence. In fact, he tells them not to touch his patient.

The team talks to the patient and explains their idea, but Dr. Thorpe tells him it’s not a good idea. He tells the “Dream Team” that he wants their plan.

The team sets up and prepares for surgery. (With a little flirting between Jackson and a female doctor at the other hospital) Bailey says a prayer.

The surgery is going well, and Callie hesitates to take the leg off, as after that, there is no turning back, but Bailey talks her into it. They get the leg off and Jackson begins harvesting the tissues.

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While still in surgery, Callie asks Mer to step away with her for a minute, and she tells her she doesn’t think she can do the surgery. Mer goes to get Bailey and Jackson, and Callie says she literally cannot do the surgery with the bone she has to work with. She tells them that she needs some time and space to think, and she will come up with something.

While she is gone, the team irrigates, and they get into a discussion with Dr. Thorpe, who is still not pleased with what they are doing. Mer goes out to Callie and tries to push her into making a decision…

The patient’s blood pressure starts to drop, and Callie comes back in, right on time, with an idea.

The team is able to put the bone and leg into place and stitch the patient up. As they walk out, Bailey notices that her phone is blowing up and she runs off.

Before the team leaves, Dr. Thorpe get’s Mer’s number.

Alex, April and the ER Staff

Alex is in the ER when a bunch of cheerleaders come in who had an accident during practice. Maxine is the girl who Alex is working on, and she seems to be having some neuro issues. It turns out that the other girls blame Maxine for their accident. They diagnose Maxine with a concussion, while the other cheerleaders fight about one of the girls who was kicked off the team. During the fight, Maxine passes out, and Alex cannot find a pulse. Maggie finds out that she has a heart condition, and she wants to get her up to the OR as soon as possible. Maxine asks her not to tell the other cheerleaders, as she is afraid she will get kicked off the team if they find out.

Edwards tells the team about Maxine, that she has to go to surgery, and they just start fighting again. Maxine starts struggling during the surgery and her heart stops, but Alex and Maggie get it started. Edwards, who was an ex-head cheerleader, goes and gives the other cheerleaders the business by putting them in place, and showing the current captain how to lead.

She takes the team up to see Maxine.

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Ben and Spencer go up to Psych for some equipment and come across a patient who is screaming in pain. They use the equipment they brought to find out he has a bleed in his belly. The patient loses his pulse almost immediately, and Ben makes the call that he won’t make it to the OR, so they must do the surgery in the psych ward.

Spencer runs downstairs for a crash cart, and brings Webber instead. Meanwhile, Ben cuts the patient open with a clipboard clip, as there are no sharp objects in psych. He stops the bleeding with his hand. They get the patient to the OR, and Webber berates Ben saying that he better hope the patient doesn’t die on the table. Ben explains that he has been a doctor for a long time, though he understands he has only been a resident for a short time, but he sees this as a calculated risk. Richard is not impressed.

Bailey arrives and lays into Ben, and tells him that she is angry that she has a resident that pulled something like this, and now she has to meet with two attendings and discipline him by giving him a three day suspension…and then she wants to hear all about what he did.

Decent Grey’s episode tonight, right?  Next week, it seems to be focused on Jackson and April again, along with some confrontation with Mer and Jo. Yikes! I would expect nothing less than that on Grey’s!

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