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Grey’s Anatomy Has “Everybody Crying Mercy” This Week


Rosie Clarke

Staff Writer

We’re not in Kansas anymore kiddies! Last week was far from cushy, but this week’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy still felt like a cold, sharp slap in the face.

Meredith and Richard drama…

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These two were so sweet last week! And throughout this episode we see Meredith worrying about Richard; unable to sleep for thinking about Richard; calling the hospital to check on Richard, etc. We even see her rushing into the hospital, abdominal stitches an’ all, in an attempt to convince him to consent to having a feeding tube inserted.

Silly old Dr Webber seems to have forgotten that he needs food to live… He refused to have the tube thread through his nose down into his stomach – despite a current inability to swallow. At first I was confused about his motives – was he trying to starve himself?

Then Shane (the intern) spoke to him and made it seem as though Dickie was trying to hold onto his dignity by not letting them put the tube in. Further confused… He didn’t seem too concerned about dignity when he dyed his hair back in season 3! Lest we forget.

The episode’s final scene has Meredith sit by Richard’s side, holding his hand while he wakes up from having the feeding tube inserted. He feels for the tube with his right hand and sighs. Meredith tragically says “I’m sorry I haven’t been here, you picked me as you’re family and I…”

Then we think Richard is about to say something super cute and #adorable in response as Meredith feels she’s abandoned him when in reality she’s been by his side the whole time… But instead! he comes out with the most devastating thing he could have said to poor ole Meredith “daddy issues” Grey.

“Stop it. Stop it. I didn’t call you my family. I’m not you’re father. I chose you because I thought you could put emotion aside, and make the right call. I knew Bailey was too weak, but you I thought I could trust not to let them operate on me when I was all but dead. Not to bring me back to life where I have to get my meals from a tube. I thought you wouldn’t be sentimental – I was wrong. I chose the wrong person.”

Richard looks away, Meredith removes her hand from his and a million Grey’s fans groan in despair. Poor old Mer… Rejected by yet another father figure… It’ll be interesting to see how she reacts this time as we’ll be able to gage how much her character has grown.

Back in season 3 when Thatcher slapped her across the face, she cried a lot, went all dark and twisty, pushed Derek away then got rejected from her dad again when she tried to go to the funeral but was told she wasn’t welcome. Here’s to hoping this time round she does the opposite! I want angry kick-ass Meredith back please!

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Richard and Bailey drama…

This relationship has gone from endearing to weird in my opinion… I used to love the friendship these two had – the flashbacks to intern Bailey are some of my fave scenes – but so far this season I’m not impressed.

Bailey decides to support Webber’s desire not to have a feeding tube inserted even though she knows he needs one. Bailey does not like to break rules and Bailey likes to keep her friends alive so I don’t get this character choice.

It might be the first episode ever where I’ve agreed with the statement “Bailey was too weak”.

Christina and Owen drama…

Though I want to cringe every time these two have a romantic moment I appreciate the way their break-up is being handled. They want different things but they do love each other, yatta yatta yatta… But come on… Christina needs no man. Writers please build a damn bridge.

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Alex and Jo drama…

Couple of cute moments with these two scattered through the ep… But my fave part of their storyline was actually the scene between Christina and Alex where she teases him for not having slept with Jo yet. I love that they’ve become such close friends AND that she still calls him “Evil Spawn”. It warms my heart. More Christina and Alex scenes this season please! (Chrisex? Altina? How do I not know their official mash-up name?!)

SPOILER ALERT: Alex and Jo do in fact manage to get it on at the end of this episode.

Alex also tells Christina that Jo is the first person he’s really cared about since Izzy. Well young sir I think she might be the first love interest of yours that we viewers have actually cared about too! I still want Izzy to come back though. #iNeedClosureOkay

Jackson and April drama…

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Basically, Jackson has a little tiff with Owen to remind us all that he and our plane crash survivors actually do own/run the hospital. I know, it was pretty easy to forget that as they only seem to use their powers when scoring themselves wildly expensive pro-bono surgeries and when re-hiring their friends… But hey! Jackson has now told Owen to “lie” and trick them into checking out the hospital budgets. So things should definitely improve from here on out. *Sarcasm*

In other Japril news that has very little to do with Japril… April passed her boards! She was too scared to look at them herself so she made Jackson do it. (de ja vu… didn’t George do the same thing with either Meredith or Izzy?) I had grown to like these two as a couple and found myself rooting for them last week but now I’m sensing a lack of chemistry so they need to amp it up or else I’m jumping ship!

Arizona and Callie drama…

God these two are killing my soul right now. Both characters are so endearing, they might even be the least annoying cast members and Callie would defo be the best “spin-off” option with her awkward goofiness and overall lovability. So seriously Shonda why are you so intent on making them villains!

First of all we have Arizona at the start of the episode dolling herself up as though looking hot is going to make her wife forget she’s a “cheating whore”. Rookie error Arizona. (FYI asking Christina for a hair compliment is also a rookie error. Season 2 Meredith’s high-ponytail learnt that the hard way.

Second of all we had Callie ranting about her “W.I.F.E”  in front of Sofia and the MerDer crew. Now that’s just plain ickk.

Arizona comes looking for Callie in the hospital to double check she’s coming to couple’s counseling later that day. Callie doesn’t seem too eager and asks Christina and Owen if it worked for them – before realizing they are no longer a couple.

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She eventually meets Arizona in the counseling waiting room… Yay! But proceeds to inform Arizona that she doesn’t want to do couples counseling. Boooo!

Callie tells her: “I’ve been wishing you hadn’t told me, and that we can go back to our life, to being happy. Except we weren’t happy. At least you weren’t… I’m not going into that room. But I think you should, I think you need to.”

Despite initial disappointment… This unexpected move actually leaves me feeling content with the storyline, finally. Because Arizona’s character does seem to have changed a lot in the last two seasons – particularly since the plane crash – so shoving her in therapy might give the writers a chance to reassess and get her right again.

Plus I love it when Grey’s Anatomy does therapy. The therapists are always insightful and we usually get some great character reveals.

My guess is that we’ll have a Calzona reunion in this season finale anywho so I just hope we get some interesting character developments before then to create non-cliched road-blocks! That’s not asking too much of Shondaland, is it?


Not as good as last week but “Everybody Crying Mercy”  still packed a hefty punch. It looks as though this season will be sticking to the old Grey’s faves in terms of storyline: star-crossed lovers, Meredith’s childhood trauma, and Christina being Christina. No complaints here. I just hope they frame the stories well so that they don’t get too repetitive.

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See y’all next week!

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