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Instagram users did a #DontJudgeChallenge and it backfired!


Instagram Challenge Has Teens “Looking Ugly”

Instagram users did a #DontJudgeChallenge and it backfired!


Monday, July 7th a trend began on Instagram.  It was called the #DontJudgeChallenge and it showed teens portraying what they thought of as ugly.  The trend was meant to have a positive effect but it had the opposite.  The things the teens did to show themselves as “unattractive” were putting on glasses, having fake acne on their faces, creating uni-brows and more.  Folks became pretty insulted with this pretty quick.

The challenge would show a video of the teen as an “ugly” person and then reveal the real them.  It would appear an app called was used to make most of the entries. Business Insider  reached out to them for a comment but haven’t heard back as of yet.

This is a hateful trend and the people doing it aren’t helping to stop bullies but becoming them.  The things they focus on are not things that make you “ugly”.  I have glasses and the thought that they take away from my beauty has never crossed my mind.  I actually think I’m “ugly” without them on.  Hopefully, this trend dies away quickly.

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