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Lauren Fairweather Releases Harry Potter Inspired Plushies!


Brittany Goldfield Rodrigues

Staff Writer

Are you a Harry Potter fan? Better yet – are you a Harry Potter fan who likes to cuddle? If so, these plushies made by Lauren Fairweather released today should be high on your list of things to purchase sooner than later. 

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Fairweather’s plushies are inspired by the mascots of the houses featured in Harry Potter. She created plushies of the Slytherin Snake, the Gryfindor Lion, the Huffelpuff badger, and an Eagle for Ravenclaw. 

Fairweather wrote on her blog that she has also named her plushies. They are named after minor characters from each house; Oliver Wood, Hannah Abbott, Penelope Clearwater, and Daphne Greengrass. 

The blog post announcing Fairweather’s plushie release, also features a how-to with visual aids, teaching her readers how to create the snake plushie.

These plushes can be purchased via Fairweathers shop on easy called FairWeatherFriends. Her twitter handle is @laurenmyrtle.

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