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Paul Bettany, soon to be seen as 'The Vision' in The Avengers: Age of Ultron, took to Twitter last week to gracefully smack down a homophobic troll


Paul Bettany Classily Shuts Down Homophobic Internet Troll

Paul Bettany, soon to be seen as ‘The Vision’ in The Avengers: Age of Ultron, took to Twitter last week to gracefully smack down a homophobic troll


Paul Bettany

Paul Bettany, the voice of ‘Jarvis’ in the Iron Man movies and soon to be seen as ‘The Vision’ in The Avengers: Age of Ultron, took to Twitter last week to gracefully smack down a homophobic troll and the results were glorious. If you hadn’t realized by now, most online trolls seem to have one very common quality; a lack of understanding for basic grammar. I’m not even talking about the hard stuff. Most trolls find it difficult to distinguish between different uses of ‘your’ and ‘you’re.’ The actor received a threatening Tweet last Friday with several grammatical infractions from a man called Travis which read, “Your a faggot pussy I would beat your fucking ass if i ever see you in real life. Faggot.”

Bettany’s response:

Dear Travis, Thank you so much for your message. I have a few thoughts – I think you mean you’re as in you are a faggot pussy not ‘‘your’’, which seems to suggest I have a faggot pussy. Also a comma after “pussy” would really help the clarity of the sentence. Lastly, you are mixing up your tenses “would and see” – I think you mean that you would beat my f–king ass if you ever saw me in real life or you will beat my f–king ass (why so much focus on my ass? Something you’d like to get off your chest?) if you ever see me in real life. Sorry for all the notes but I was a little confused. Hugs and kisses, Paul Bettany.

Paul’s response was classy, intelligent and the best possible way to combat such multi-faceted ignorance. Well done, Paul! You can follow Paul Bettany on Twitter @Paul_Bettany.

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