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PopWrapped Weekly Roundup – Streaming/TV – 3/13

At the end of a very weird week, we hope you’ve been able to find some comfort in watching your favourite TV shows. Here are some of the highlights on this week’s TV Weekly Roundup.

At the end of a very weird week, we hope you’ve been able to find some comfort in watching your favourite TV shows. Here are some of the highlights on this week’s TV Weekly Roundup. 

Survivor: Rob Goes To Extinction

Survivor is celebrating its 40th season by bringing back 20 former winners of the game for the Winners of War. Among those returning players is Rob Mariano a.k.a. Boston Rob, who has played the game four times and is known as one of the best. Because he is one of the best, Rob has had a target on his back all season. This week, they shook up the tribes going from two tribes to three. On tribe Yara is Sarah, Sophie, Rob, Ben, and Adam. Yara lost the challenge and headed to Tribal Council. Sarah and Sophie didn’t play their steal vote or immunity idol and Yara voted Rob off unanimously. Now he is headed to the Edge of Extinction, waiting for what’s next.

The Bachelor: The Finale

This was arguably one of the most dramatic finales of The Bachelor. Here’s what happened. Peter was upset that Madison dumped him, and left the show, so he decided to go after Hannah Ann. However, Hannah Ann doesn’t know feel like Peter’s 100% there. Peter tells Hannah Ann she is caring, selfless, and one of a kind and he proposes. Back in Los Angeles, Peter’s mother, Barb, is thrilled that Peter is engaged. But Peter still isn’t over Madison. He loves Hannah Ann and wants to be with her but he just can’t. Hannah Ann says she doesn’t need anything more from Peter and returns the ring. In the live studio, Madison joins them on stage. Barbara says that back in Australia Madison told her that she wasn’t ready to accept a proposal. Peter’s parents aren’t thrilled about this but he says “I’m telling you that I love Madison, and that should be enough.”

Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Amy is Pregnant

A big part of this season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine has revolved around family. Charles and Terry are constantly arguing over who’s the better dad and Jake and Amy have been trying to start a family of their own. After more than six months of trying, it was revealed this week that the fertility treatments seemed to have worked and Amy is pregnant. Andy Samberg and Melissa Fumero played the moment absolutely perfectly in the episode. Jake and Amy really are the best couple on television. They’re going to make great parents. 

Legends of Tomorrow: A Successful TV Wedding

When do superhero weddings ever go smoothly? This week Ray planned on proposing to Nora but his plans went sideways (as they often do) when Nora’s father, Damien Darhk made an appearance. Damien assumes his daughter is an evil sorceress and Nora goes along with it for a while but eventually admits that she’s a fairy godmother and that she’s in love with Ray. Nora accepts Ray’s proposal and they get married that night. It was very cute. 


  • Chastity Ashley is a musician who has worked with artists like Kanye West and as a touring musician with Duran Duran. She writes about the music industry, business, and pop culture.

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