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R.I.P iPhone 1.0: Old School Version Is Now Obsolete!


Caitlin Swift

Staff Writer

It’s hard to believe that after 6 years the first generation of iPhone will be put to rest. In certain territories the phone will be marked as “obsolete” which means it will no longer be serviceable at the firm’s care center as well as Apple Stores. This will begin June 11th in the UK, Canada, Asia, Europe, Japan, and Latin America.

The US is taking a different approach however. Instead of being “obsolete” the original will take on the title of “vintage”. Totally hip and trendy, right? The “vintage” title also comes with some perks in the US, certain Apple Stores and care centers will service the device.

Also retiring this summer are the iMac G5, 2005 Mac mini, and Powerbook G4. They’ve all had a good run but they’re no match for the newer sleeker models. Sorry guys.

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In its hey-day the orginal iPhone sold over 6.1 units and only had a 2 megapixel camera. The iPhone 5 contains an 8 megapixel camera and it’s sure to go up from there! RIP Original iPhone. You truly were a revolutionary device and we couldn’t have gotten where we are today without you!

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