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Lyanna? Eleven? Negan? Here are our favorite scene-stealers, all of whom had such astounding performances that they left us reeling and wanting more.


Pop 10 Small Screen Scene-Stealers Of The Year

Lyanna? Eleven? Negan? Here are our favorite scene-stealers, all of whom had such astounding performances that they left us reeling and wanting more.

Scene-stealers. They’re the actors who leave a lasting impression and make series iconic. Sometimes they’re lead characters, but there are a few newcomers who’ve made this list as well. Here are our favorite scene-stealers of 2016, all of whom had such astounding performances that they left us reeling and wanting more.

Top 10 Scene-Stealers Of The Year

10. Malcolm Goodwin – iZombie

Scene-Stealers TVLIne

iZombie is a twist on the typical zombie genre, and not every zombie is a bad guy — something that is hard to grasp given that zombies are literally the undead walking. Clive’s initial reaction to discovering that Liv is, in fact, one of the undead pretty much speaks for itself; he is shocked and skeptical, exactly how you would expect one to react to such news.

9. John Karna – Scream

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In a show about a serial killer, John Karna’s Noah Foster is a much needed dose of comic relief — albeit nerdy comic relief. While his friends are off actively pursuing the killer, he is content sitting at home and creating a murder board or recording his latest podcast about the Lakewood murders. His sense of humor, tech-savvy skills, and nerdiness make you want him to be your best friend.

8. Milo Ventimiglia – This Is Us

Scene-Stealers NBC

He plays Jack Pearson on This Is Us, and his performance of a loving father is nothing short of awe-inspiring. As we follow Jack through the different eras, Ventimiglia shines through even more, and, as an audience, we eagerly await the moments that he graces our screens. His warmth is endearing, and he makes us feel everything that Jack feels.

7. Maia Mitchell – The Fosters

Scene-Stealers Gossip And Gab

Standing out in a crowded room is hard, but Maia Mitchell manages to do that among a large cast of experienced actors. Playing Callie Quinn Adams Foster, the most recent teenager in Stef Adams Foster and Lena Adams Foster’s home, her performance is emotional, and fans constantly find themselves rooting for her.

6. Chyler Leigh – Supergirl

Scene-stealers The CW

Fans fell in love with Dr. Lexie Gray in Grey’s Anatomy and were heartbroken when she died, but Chyler Leigh has found a home on the CW’s Supergirl. Playing Alex Danvers, Leigh gave a brutally honest and beautiful coming out story that immediately caught fans’ attention. The show may be about Supergirl, but all the talk was about Chyler and her powerful performance in Season 2.

5. Jeffery Dean Morgan – The Walking Dead

Scene-Stealers AMC

Every once in a while, a character comes around that you absolutely despise. Negan is one of those characters, but Jeffery Dean Morgan is not one of those actors. In fact, while Negan may be the most hated character of 2016, Jeffery Dean Morgan’s portrayal of him is so spot on that we kind of have to love him. Negan is charismatic even if he’s evil, and, yes, he may have killed a few beloved characters, but he wields a bat wrapped in barbed wire, and that’s pretty difficult to not pay attention to.

4. Millie Bobby Brown – Stranger Things

Scene-stealers PlayBuzz

Stranger Things took the world by storm this year, and people are still talking about Millie Bobby Brown. She brings an innocence to the fierce character of Eleven, and, even though El doesn’t speak much, she garnered a loyal following of fans. Anyone see any little kids dressed up as Eleven for Halloween this year? We have Millie Bobby Brown to thank for that. Here’s to hoping she comes out of the Upside Down unscathed!

3. Lindsey Morgan – The 100

Scene-Stealers Pop-Series

The 100 is chock full of characters with brilliant actors who play them, but Lindsey Morgan takes the cake as scene stealer. Raven Reyes is strong-willed, intelligent, and a bit cocky, too. Her performance in Season 3 blew us away, as we watched her resort to escaping to the City of Light to ease her pain but ultimately regret that decision and fight for a return to normalcy. Need more convincing? Just watch the scene in “Fallen” where she switches from Raven to A.L.I.E. on a dime.

2. Bella Ramsey – Game of Thrones

Scene-Stealers Vogue

Bella Ramsey graced our screens as Lyanna Mormont, and, in a world where there are Daeneryses and Aryas and Tyrions, you wouldn’t expect a little girl who has minimal screen time to grab your attention. But Lyanna is just as strong and steadfast as the characters twice her age with twice the experience, and, although she may just be 10, she leads House Mormont with grace and dignity, speaking with wisdom that is beyond her years.

1. Alycia Debnam-Carey – The 100/Fear The Walking Dead

Scene-Stealers AMC

Whether she’s playing a ruthless leader with a soft side or a teenage girl trying to forge her way through a zombie apocalypse, Alycia Debnam-Carey always brings her A-game. She captured our attention as Commander Lexa on The 100 and is still holding our attention on Fear The Walking Dead. Her versatility in the characters that she plays and the strength with which she portrays them is what lands her in this #1 spot. Surrounded by a score of other amazing actors in Season 2 of Fear TWD, Debnam-Carey held her own, and, week after week, our eyes were focused on her as we witnessed the “Rise of Alicia Clark.” She is 2016’s small screen scene-stealer.

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