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The stars and fans of Supernatural have been bullied both on- and offline long enough! What would you do to stand up to cyberbullies?


Supernatural Fandom Hunts Down Cyberbullies

The stars and fans of Supernatural have been bullied both on- and offline long enough! What would you do to stand up to cyberbullies?

I have two siblings who are both gay, and I tend to sympathize with those who have been cyber bullied by anyone, for any reason. Back when I was growing up, I was picked on and beat up on a regular basis. The reasons my bullies claimed they did this was all because I was taller than normal girls and I had so called “weird” interests. Nowadays, people have taken to being cyber bullies, harping on those who have interests or sexual orientation that is not considered “normal”. What is normal these days? I don’t believe there is a such thing as normal, if anything normal is a state of mind.

It came to my attention that Supernatural fans are being cyber bullied by some who have gone out of their way to make hate pages about the show and its stars. Seriously, this needs to end NOW. It’s not okay to bully someone just because they like something that you do not. How would you feel if someone did that to YOU? You’d feel like a beaten down dog. This behavior is unacceptable, and it’s caused people to actually consider committing suicide as a way to escape the never ending torment that these kind of people insist on inflicting on those who have done nothing wrong. All they have done is proclaimed their love and admiration for Supernatural and its stars. Misha Collins, Mark Pellegrino and Mark Sheppard have taken to Twitter and other social media to support these fans who are suffering.

I am writing this for those who feel that their voice has been lost among many, and please know that not only am I behind you, but so is the entire Supernatural fandom from all over the world–not to mention the amazing cast of the hit series. Mark Sheppard, who plays the demon Crowley said it best: “The fandom is about love, pure and simple”

Supernatural is known for having one of the biggest fandoms out there, and the cast is one of the most supportive groups of stars from a series that I have EVER had the pleasure of meeting! They are some of the nicest people you’d ever want to meet and you can tell just by attending one of their many conventions that they really do care about their fans! When I attended the Vegas con back in March, I was lucky enough to hang out with Osric Chau, who is sweet and funny and an all around awesome guy. All of the awesomeness aside, just because people like Supernatural and you don’t doesn’t give you the right to make them feel like they should end their lives just because you think your opinion is what matters. I’ve got news for you, it doesn’t matter. In the scheme of things, no one gives a rats ass that you hate Supernatural, except for those who hate it along with you. There will come a time when someone will hate on something you love and you will know exactly how you made all those people feel–and you won’t like it. Hell, I named my son after Dean Winchester because I thought Jensen Ackles’ portrayal of Dean was so honest and heartfelt that I hoped my unborn son would grow up with some of the family values I saw in Dean Winchester. Wanna make fun of me for it? Want to tell me that I am a loser with no life and that I need to get a life? Go right ahead! There’s not a single word that any one of you could utter that will EVER make me change how I feel about this series, its stars, and of course its awesome fandom–or myself for that matter. Those people have supported me and been there for me. They have had my back when no one else did. That doesn’t give you people the right to crap all over us.

My heart goes out to each and every one of you fans who have suffered through this, and I want you to know that I am behind you 100%, and so is The Winchester Family Way Facebook page, who happen to be some of the best SPN BFFS a fan could ever ask for. As for your need to continue to cyber bully: YOU NEED TO STOP! Don’t you realize that people all over have taken their lives because they were bullied for one reason or another? People say “Why can’t we all just get along?” There’s a lot of truth to that statement. But I can’t help but wonder what is SO wrong with people that they need to go out of there way, wasting time and energy making people feel bad for the choices they make, whether it’s the way they wear their hair, how they dress,which gender they prefer, or what TV show they love. It’s not your life, so it doesn’t have any real affect on you and your life, so why bother?! Has it ever crossed your mind that you should take people’s feelings into consideration? If you expect people to do that for you, then it should be a no brainer that you would return the favor. Stop the bullying! It’s not fair to hurt those who’ve done nothing to you. Whether you believe in karma or not, it will get you sooner or later.

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