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Things Were ‘Hog Wild’ On This Week’s ‘The Night Shift’


Kay Ziegler

Staff Writer


It was not just fun and games on this week’s The Night Shift. As usual in a crisis center, people needed saving. Families were having personal issues. Doctors were having psychiatric woes. It was a nonstop journey of self-discovery and mending bridges.

To the dismay of the docs and nurses, Michael Ragosa decided to take away their relaxation space, claiming that it was a liability to the hospital. Whether or not that was the full truth, it’s unclear. But, to the resident therapist Ragosa’s actions spoke louder than words. He was hurting and struggling with the separation. To deal with that, he loves to take it out on his colleagues; real smooth dude, real smooth.

Meanwhile, Topher (Ken Leung) got a bit of the limelight when a little girl came in complaining of headaches and light sensitivity. She ultimately made him realize how important his own daughter was, especially when he figured out the girl wasn’t the ill one. It was the father in need of medical care; he was suffering from work-related poisoning.

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TC struggled through this episode. His case involved boar hunting and two hunters critically wounded. The shots and yelling as well as the injuries triggered PTSD. While he was able to keep it at bay, the issue caused him to act more rash and vulnerable than usual. He was hell-bent on saving the man and woman.

The wife of the injured husband was none too thrilled with the events. It wasn’t that her husband was hurt, but it was because her sister went hunting with him. This revelation leads to a good 5-minute rant about how no-good either was as well as the revelation that the wife could save the sister. Of course, the woman was not hearing of it. She was not going to give blood. To his credit, TC gave her a chance, but he ended up sedating her to get what he needed.

Drew’s secret came out – at least to one other doctor. While boxing, he broke his hand (Drew worked through the pain through most the episode), but hid it fairly well. However, Dr. Jordan Alexander did find out and boy was she mad. Another co-worker offered to fix the hand and as she did attempted to congratulate him for winning the fight earlier in the day. Drew was not amused by the kiss and revealed that he was already taken, but his boyfriend was overseas. Finishing up, they agreed to keep things quiet.

Along with the wonderful rant by the wife, there was a pig loose in the hospital. There were also pranks involving rescue dummies. The docs and nurses even got their fun station back. So, this episode definitely balanced the drama and humor very well.  I can’t wait to see what happens next!

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