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This week's Thirsty Thursday is an ode to the magical, sexy men of Charmed. One of the greatest shows ever to grace the small screen.


Thirsty Thursday: The Magical Men Of Charmed

This week’s Thirsty Thursday is an ode to the magical, sexy men of Charmed. One of the greatest shows ever to grace the small screen.

The beautiful thing about running a website, is that I get to write about pretty much whatever I want. In truth, that is really how Thirsty Thursday came about to begin with. I just wanted to write about hot guys, so I did! It also means that I can choose to write said column about things that are not really all that relevant anymore. For example: Charmed.

Charmed has been off the air for almost ten years. TEN YEARS! Does that make me love it any less? Nope. Does that detract from the fact that it was basically just eight seasons worth of gorgeous men being paraded about and being the supporting characters to three (and a half, kind of) badass sister witches? Nope.

For these reasons, and so many more, this week’s Thirsty Thursday is dedicated to the magically hot men of Charmed! And since this was the hardest list I’ve compiled to date, it was utterly impossible to whittle it down to five entries, so ten it is.


Charmed Charmed Wikia

10. Drew Fuller, Chris Halliwell

Okay, before you boycott the rest of the post, hear me out. Yes, Chris was super cute with eyes that could melt souls; but he was also deceitful, manipulative and generally just kind of shady. Fuller is also just a really bad actor. But, yes. He makes the list because he’s the progeny of Piper Halliwell and because he’s beautiful.

Charmed WB

9. Nick Lachey, Leslie St. Claire

Ah Leslie. There was so much potential there. But, alas, he came during a time when Phoebe was lost in her own head. Despite there being some serious sexual chemistry between the two, Leslie was a temporary distraction from the start, as he was only there to take over for Phoebe while she was on sabbatical. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted!

Charmed8. Dorian Gregory, Daryl Morris

Poor Daryl. I feel like, out of all the characters, he really got the worst end of the whole Charmed deal. He got roped into the sisters’ lives and spent the rest of the series trying to cover for, and clean up after, their supernatural messes. He was a loyal friend who helped in whatever way he could, because he believed in what the sisters were doing. Also, I tried to choose photos of the men on set or in character, but then I saw this one and couldn’t resist…

Charmed7. Greg Vaughan, Dan Gordon

Oh Dan. Poor guy never had a shot. Dan moved in next door to the Manor right as Piper and Leo had broken up for the first time (star-crossed lovers, forbidden love, etc). And while Dan was gorgeous, sweet, successful, thoughtful, endearing, kind, etc.; Piper’s heart belonged to Leo from the first moment they laid eyes on each other. Dan ended up being collateral damage and fled San Francisco and Piper with a quickness.

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Charmed Charmed Wikia

6. Jason Lewis, Dex Lawson

Dex was a shitshow from the start. It was right after the sisters faked their own deaths and assumed new identities, so his timing was unfortunate, to say the least. I remember the first time we saw him, and all I could think about was his turn as Smith Jared on Sex and the City. I love it when my fandoms collide! Anyway, he and Phoebe ended up getting married after a love spell that Billie cast went awry. This, unsurprisingly, did not bode well for their relationship and as quickly as he came, he was gone.

Charmed Charmed Wikia

5. Eric Dane, Jason Dean

Mmmmm, I had really high hopes for Jason and Phoebe. (Obviously Phoebe got all of the hottest men). They were great together and their chemistry was off the charts. Ultimately, though, Phoebe was inhabited by Mata Hari, which caused her to sabotage Jason’s business pitch and reveal her witchy secret. It was too much for him to handle, and then he was gone, too.

Charmed Charmed Wikia

4. Ivan Sergei, Henry Mitchell

I loved Henry from the very start. He was strong and fighting the same fight the sisters were, just on a different, mortal level. He was a great match for Paige, and when she told him that she was magical, I knew he was who she would end up with. Sure it took him a while to get used to it, but he handled it amazingly well and was basically just adorable. Oh, and helllooooo hotness.

Charmed Charmed Wikia

3. Brian Krause, Leo Wyatt

Leo and Piper were the #relationshipgoals couple of the series. They were head-over-heels in love from the very start. Their love was transcendent. They broke a million rules in order to be together and ended up happy and surrounded by children just like they always wanted. Oh, and then there was that whole “Leo is an angel” thing. Despite all of this, Leo was just a tiiiiiiiiiny bit vanilla, and didn’t inspire much passion. That’s why he lands at number 3 on the list.

Charmed Charmed Wikia

2. Victor Webster, Coop

Coop was a Cupid. See what they did there? He was sent down by The Elders (the Whitelighter Elders) to help Phoebe find love, since she had put it on the back burner to, you know, save the world. Coop ended up falling in love with Phoebe (strictly forbidden), because, who wouldn’t? Then she fell in love with him and BOOM! Phoebe finally found her match. Her smart, sexy match who had the market cornered on romance. He was a Cupid, after all.

Charmed Charmed Wikia

1. Julian McMahon, Cole Turner

Oh Cole, I had such high hopes for you. Okay, so Cole was a demon. Like, THE demon. One of the biggest bads there on the Hellscape hierarchy: Balthazar. He was sent to destroy the Halliwell sisters by The Source (Of All Evil), but instead, also fell in love with Phoebe. Are you seeing a pattern here? So her love saved him, and then he reverted back. Then she saved him again. Then HE became The Source and created an entirely new world in which Phoebe was his hellish queen. Paige quashed that shit quickly, though. Despite his evilness, Cole’s final death (there were many before the one that stuck) was one of the most gut-wrenching scenes in the whole series.

So what say you, Charmed fans? Would you switch my list around? Take someone off? Add someone on? Let us know and be sure to vote in the poll below!


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