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Villains take over DC Comics in September


Jacob Elyachar
Staff Writer

Move over, superheroes!  The villains of DC Comics are taking over. For the month of September, some of the company’s greatest villains will be highlighted in all of the titles for Villains’ Month.

BuzzFeed received an exclusive interview with DC Entertainment Co-Publishers Dan DiDio and Jim Lee, who gave the first hints of the event.

“We launched the New 52 with all-new continuity and new costumes, Zero Month was all about origins of our heroes, and now the villains are taking over. “ said Lee.  “One of the strengths of the DC Universe has been the strength of the rogues gallery. Often times they’re as famous – if not more infamous – than our heroes.”

So how will the villains take over? Dan DiDio revealed that the hints lie in the upcoming summer crossover: The Trinity War.

“There are events that take place the conclusion that will launch us into our first major cross over in the New 52, which is called Forever Evil.” said DiDio.  

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Forever Evil will be a seven-issue mini-series that will showcase the infamous bad guys. Current Justice League of America team Geoff Johns and David Finch will be the creative team in charge of the event.

Forever Evil is a chance for David and I to work on all the greatest villains in comic books. It’s literally everybody. I don’t even know if there’s anybody not in it,” Johns said in a USA Today interview.  “We’re really exploring what darkness means and the different kinds of darkness that are within these villains.”

So far, DC revealed that longtime Batman foes Joker, Two-Face and Poison Ivy will be the focus of Batman, Batman &… and Detective Comics respectfully, while Darkseid and Desaad make their epic returns in Justice League and Earth-2.

Anti-heroes Deadshot and the Creeper are scheduled target the remaining Justice Leagues and Gorilla Grodd, Relic and the Cyborg Superman will square off with their arch-foes in the Flash, Green Lantern and Superman: Action Comics.

In addition, when each of the villains takes over their respective titles, fans will be able to buy 3D motion variant covers.

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