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Marvel studios is now actively developing a movie based on The Eternals comics says studio head Kevin Feige .


Marvel Is Developing A Movie On “The Eternals” Says Studio Head Kevin Feige

Marvel studios is now actively developing a movie based on The Eternals comics says studio head Kevin Feige .

With the Marvel Cinematic Universe's main connecting story arc coming into a conclusion with Avengers: Infinity Wars, it is only logical for the studio to look deeper into comic book lore for future projects. And it looks like they have found one with The Eternals.

President of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige confirms this saying, "Eternals is one of many many many things that we are actively beginning to have creative discussions about to see if we believe in them enough to put them on a slate,". He did, however caution that things aren't final yet, so we'll have to wait and see.

What are the Eternals? If you have been paying attention to the MCU, then you are already familiar with one of them, because the most powerful and main villain of the franchise, Thanos is one of them. The Eternals are not really a superhero team. They are an ancient race of immortals that were created on Earth by the Celestials, the same beings to which Peter Quill's dad belongs to. If you remember Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1, the head in which the Collector lives and the giant that destroyed a planet with an Infinity stone in a flashback, are also Celestials.

The precidence for the appearance of the Eternals are already there, and they will connect nicely to the rest of the movies. We might even get a background on a young Thanos. That would be really interesting to see. Let us just hope that Kevin Feige and the Marvel studios team continue to develop it, and not push it down to the level of what happened with Inhumans . Not saying that moving from a movie to a tv series would be bad. It just needs to be handled correctly. Netflix perhaps?





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