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PopWrapped’s Pop 10: Things You Missed On The Smash Finale!


Brittany Goldfield Rodrigues

Staff Writer

Even though Smash won E’s  “Save One Show Poll,” the theatre heavy show is now done after two seasons of jaw dropping original numbers, innovative covers, and impeccable costuming. The finale of Smash was very, well, final. Everything came to a close, all plot lines were tied up, and couples that fans have been rooting for found their happiness.

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The finale of Smash was two episodes aired back to back – The Nominations, and The Tonys. As usual, the episode titles are reflective of their plot lines. The Nominations focused on the public relations and stresses around waiting for nominations, and the nomination and wins of smaller scale theatre awards like the Outer Critic Circle critics. The Tonys took place only a commercial later, and the whole episode took place in the venue of the live award show.

Although it is strongly suggested everyone go watch the finale themselves, the episode can probably be broken down into ten key moments that tied everything together after two seasons.

Ana singing Once


And Derek being responsible)


Krysta Rodriguez singing “If You Want Me,” from Once for an audition was one of the best points of the finale.  She totally nailed the audition, and the number provided the character of Ana with some closure. The audition sealed her fate as a member of a national tour, and prompted her to drop her lawsuit against Derek (because he suggested her for the role she was auditioning for).

2) Tom’s speech to Derek at the OCC awards

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From the beginning of Smash, Tom and Derek were rivals. They were friends at one time (before the events of the show took place), but through majority of the shows two seasons viewers have watched the two fight like cats and dogs. When the two tied for Best Director for the Outer Critic Circle awards, Tom acknowledges how Derek got him to where he was. It was truly one of the sweetest, most heartwarming things that have been done on Smash. The two are both so dedicated and talented, and to see them recognize and respect one another was remarkable.

3) Derek Coming Clean

Derek makes a statement to a reporter, announcing that the only reason Daisy was cast as The Diva was because she agreed to sleep with him. He recognized he should not get away with what he did, and prepares for backlash. When the backlash comes, he drinks his sorrows away, but he did the right thing and Ivy convinces him to come to the Tonys even though the theatre community is all looking down on him.

4) Under Pressure


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 The whole cast of Smash sings “Under Pressure” at the beginning of the second half of the finale. The Tony’s have begun, and everyone is literally “Under Pressure.” The number was the most appropriate, intense, and emotional song of the show. Hearing everyone’s voices at the beginning of the end really set the tone of the rest of the finale. Also, there is something to be said about starting an episode with Megan Hilty singing.

5) Kyle winning the Tony


Kyle winning the Tony Award for Best Book For a Musical was something that touched viewers. Andy Mientus was astounding on the show, and the emotional impact Kyle had was remarkable. His win was deserved, realistic, and tied the show together. I think we can agree Kyle was the emotional core of the show this season. He was the epitome of what it means to be part of the theatre community: hardworking, innovative, kind, sociable, and most of all passionate.

6) Tom and Julia winning the Tony – and almost missing it


While the two decide on alcohol and talk among themselves, it is announced that they won the Tony for Best Score.  The duo almost doesn’t hear their names being announced, and it’s actually adorable. They forget their speech, but their win is still modest. The entirety of the show was leading up to this point, as it focuses on the duos struggles and successes in bringing Bombshell to Broadway.

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7) Jimmy coming clean


We find out a little more about Jimmy’s background, leading to a reveal that he owed up to all his mistakes. He will have to do a little bit of time, but he will be out soon Him and Karen confess their love for one another (where have they been all that time that we knew they were ridiculously smitten), and all is well for the couple.

8) Ivy tells Derek about her baby


While we don’t hear Ivy tell Derek or his reaction, we see the two in a room talking intimately – and smiling.  The two confess their love for one another, and we see Derek touching Ivy’s stomach. Looks like the two got it all a little backwards, but things don’t always happen in an order that makes sense. The two have danced around each other for two seasons, and we knew Derek was more infatuated with Karen than in love. Thank god these two finally got it right with each other.

9) Julia confesses to Frank and approaches Michael Swift

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Julia sits down with Frank and admits that she always loved Michael. She says she always loved Frank, but not in the right way, and asks him to request whatever he wants for their divorce settlement. She is going to play fair, and let him decide what he feels is right after how she treated him. It is a beautiful moment between the two, and you hope they both find happiness. In the last moments, a montage shows Julia showing up at Michael Swift’s door with her divorce paper. Oh hi there Will Chase. Thanks for joining and making this an emotional rollercoaster of a finale.

10) The Tony Performances


When the cast of Bombshell and Hit List performs at the Tonys, viewers are blessed with some incredible performances. Thanks to Derek, Daisy doesn’t perform at the Tonys – instead the cast of Hit List performs an a capella rendition of “Broadway Here I Come.” Finally, the writers squished in a closing number last minute into the finale to really make the episode feel like a series end. The number “Big Finish,” was actually perfect. No other word could do it justice. The best part is that it was written in under the guise that Tom and Julia wrote it to be performed by Karen and Ivy at the Tony’s.

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